Buying And Installing Marmoleum Flooring

Marmoleum flooring provides a durable, environmentally friendly choice for your home. This eco-friendly material is comprised of linseed oil, pine rosin, jute and wood flour and can be found in many medical facilities because it does not emit VOCs. It is a long-lasting material and when it does need to be replaced, disposal is not a problem because it is completely biodegradable. Plus, installation of Marmoleum tiles follows the same directions as other floor tiles.

Step 1: Room Prep

Make sure to remove all furniture, baseboards and all registers. Check to see if the support floor is free from loose boards. If so, make sure to rescrew these to the underlying joists. Make use of a leveling mixture to fill in all cracks in the subflooring. Place all Marmoleum tile in the room where it is to be installed for a least a 48-hour period to acclimatize it.

Step 2: Locate the Center

Locate the room center and then mark a chalk line between the two walls. Now mark a chalk line between the other two walls. Where the lines cross is the center of the room

Step 3: Start at the Center

Beginning from the center, place a row of dry tiles out to the walls on both sides. You want each end tile next to a wall to be at least one-half a tile width. Therefore, adjust the location of the center tile to accomplish this uniformity. Mark the center start. Then mark the dry row with a chalk line.

Step 4: Lay Down Adhesive

Beginning at the center of the room, spread tile adhesive over an approximate 4-square-foot area.

Step 5: First Row

Be careful laying down the all-important first row of tiles. If this row is off, the entire project will follow its lead.

Step 6: One Square at a Time

Work slowly and deliberately on one 4-foot square quadrant at a time. Make sure to wipe away any excessive adhesive that seeps out from under the tiles using a recommended cleaner. Work kneeling on a piece of plywood instead of directly on the floor you are installing. Repeat the process until the entire room area is tiled.

Step 7: Use a Roller

After completing each quadrant, use a floor roller to roll over the tiles just laid to make sure a proper bond is made between the sub floor and the tiles with the adhesive applied. This is an extremely important step because you need the entire under surface are of each tile to adhere to the sub flooring to prevent air entering that may cause bubbling or instability.

Step 8: Cut Tiles

Tiles along the wall will need cutting. Use the second to last row as a guide by placing a guide tile directly on top of one in the second to last row and then one against the wall letting it overlap. You will then mark the first tile where that second one overlapped. This is your cut line.

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